Qualities of a Good Surrogate Mother

5 Qualities of a Good Surrogate Mother


To become a surrogate is indeed a noble deed to do. It is more than merely the physical task of carrying and delivering someone else’s child; it demands a lot of strength of character and mind as well. In your surrogate mother search, you will meet multiple prospects that will lead you to your perfect choice.

To filter out the wrong ones and to ensure that you make the right decision, it is imperative for you, as an intended parent, to be aware of the qualities of a good surrogate mother.

Here is a list of Top 5 Attributes That Will Help You In Your Search:

Genuine Person

Surrogate mothers understand how rewarding the journey of surrogacy is for everyone involved. Finances can be a priority for many to become a surrogate, but it shouldn’t alone be one reason to carry a child. A genuine woman has an authentic desire to help you. She is empathetic and realizes your inability to conceive your child, and therefore, wishes to help you make your dreams come true.

Willing Participant

Yes, of course, one has to be ready to be a surrogate. But, surrogacy is not a one-day commitment. Instead, it involves nine long months of gestation period. The potential surrogate should be willing wholeheartedly to undergo all the required medical treatment. Also, they should truthfully divulge all demanded information, including their personal, professional, legal, and financial details. They should come off as a trustworthy and honest person.

Integrity is one of the core characteristics to look at.


Surrogacy is a long journey. It involves numerous paperwork, continuous interactions between the intended parents, agency, clinic, lawmakers, attorneys, and the surrogate. To add to it, there will be tons of medical visits and physiological changes to report and keep track of.

All of this requires someone who is not prone to anxiety easily and is generally a calm and patient person. There is always a possibility of unwanted complications related to pregnancy or legality. Your chosen person must be emotionally stable and resilient.


Once the surrogacy agreement has been authenticated, the surrogate is responsible for carrying out all the required medical tasks, including strictly following the schedule for hormones and other medications. Your surrogate mother search should ideally lead you to someone whom you can truly trust to take care of your child for as long as the gestation period demands. They should be dedicated to the whole process and nurture themselves selflessly for the unborn child.


The intended parents and the surrogate mother need to be completely honest regarding their expectations and doubts. And for this purpose, it is crucial to maintain open lines of communication.

While you are in the process of finding the probable birth mother of your baby, ask and understand how much she is willing to communicate with you. It is best if you both lay down the limit on your future communication as well.

While financial compensation is a significant motivator for a young woman to become a surrogate, other factors must also influence this decision. If your surrogate mother search process brings you to someone who has already been a successful surrogate mother once, it would certainly be like a cherry on the cake.

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